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Core IMPACTS Curriculum

Kennesaw State University's Core IMPACTS curriculum ensures that every undergraduate gains knowledge in diverse disciplines, fostering personal growth, professional success, and active citizenship. With approximately 13-14 tailored core courses, students explore their interests and acquire new perspectives. Transfer students from other USG institutions can apply previously earned credits toward Core IMPACTS requirements, expediting their path to a 正规博彩十大网站排名 degree.

Core IMPACTS Curriculum

Academic Advising

Advisors assist you in identifying and achieving your academic, career, and personal goals. They provide academic guidance in order to keep you on track for graduation and can help connect you to campus programs and services. You are assigned an academic advisor, or advising center, based on your intended major.

We encourage you to meet with your advisor at least once each semester. Advising is not registration! You should meet with your advisor prior to the date you register for classes so you can discuss the best plan for the upcoming semester and beyond.

Academic Advising
graduating student giving scrappy a high-five

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You are assigned an advisor based on your intended major. Exploratory/undecided students are seen by Owl Advising, and students who have a major already identified are seen by the advisors in that department. In many cases, your advisor will be viewable in DegreeWorks. You can find more advising information by visiting http://advising.lakeviewbungalow.com/who.php

  • The best way to plan ahead is to access the phased registration dates on the Registrar’s site. If these are not up to date, you can also click on the academic calendar to view many important dates for the University including the beginning and ending of each phase of registration. The first available time for you to register can be found by logging into Owl Express.
  • You can change/declare your major in Owl Express under the “student records” tab in Owl Express.
  • Each major has a specific list of required classes for graduation. Current 正规博彩十大网站排名 students should check DegreeWorks for this list.

    DegreeWorks is a web-based tool through Banner Web that provides real-time information on degree progression. DegreeWorks lists the courses you are required to take to complete your degree at 正规博彩十大网站排名. This is available to you 24/7.

    Login to Owl Express (enter your 正规博彩十大网站排名 ID & Pin) Select the Student menu. Select DegreeWorks – Degree Audit.

    Your declared major worksheet will automatically load. There is also a “WHAT-IF” tab that gives you an unofficial view of how your credits will apply to a different major. (NOTE: If you officially change your major, you will be moved to the most recent Catalog regardless of when you started classes at 正规博彩十大网站排名.)

    DegreeWorks does not replace face to face advising. You should continue to meet with your advisor to discuss degree-related concerns. Prospective students should contact the major department of interest for degree information.

  • Information on financial aid, including loans, FAFSA, Hope, and work-study opportunities, can be found online at the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Financial Aid site.
  • Your department may be aware of additional scholarships related to your field of study. In addition, the 正规博彩十大网站排名 library contains books with information with various scholarships and grants.

  • The Department of Career Planning and Development would be a great place to start. Additionally, the Counseling and Psychological Services Center conducts career and academic counseling. Finally, your advisors can help you see how your undergraduate major can lead you to many different careers.